Prof. dr hab. Zenon Marciniak
Test consists of 20 questions. There are four answers to each question. Only one answer is correct.
A student should have an ID to show before exam.
A student is required to check that his name is included in the examination protocol at the Dean's Office.
It is not possible to take exam if a student's name is not in the protocol !!!.
Open-book exam
It is possible to use crib slips (it is even desired), notes,
including my teaching notes, any books and materials (even not recommended).
It is reasonable to come with a simple financial calculator. It is not possible to use a laptop.
Leaving a question without any answer is unreasonable. It is eventually a lost of a chance
for a good answer with a probabilty 0.25.
Immediate termination of an exam with a FAIL grade
is followed by:
1. talks and any forms of assistance from a neighbour,
2. using a circular phone (a call to a friend).
Circular phones should be ABSOLUTELY switched off.
Final grade:
10-11: 3, 12-13: 3+, 14-15: 4, 16-17: 4+, 18-20: 5.
Sample exam: DEsample.pdf
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